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The future of churches depends on strong leaders for sustainable church advancement.


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Be The Church has been transformational for many within our family of churches as well as making a huge difference in how our associations work together and do ministry. For many of our pastors it has been likened to: opening a window that provides a fresh breath from the Father and gives new light for the work for which He has called us.

Tim Patterson, Executive DirectorBaptist State Convention of Michigan

Be The Church has helped make personal connections between pastors, really helping us feel more like partners rather than competitors. Our cohorts have made us all cheerleaders for each other. Be The Church has helped challenge me to be a better communicator to my team and my church, and people are catching onto the vision!

Ed Emmerling, PastorWestside Church

I am grateful for the relationships, opportunities, and mentorship that Be The Church has provided in helping me find my sweet spot in the ministry. God is working through this program in directing the path for my life.

Luke KooiengaResident